A previous presentation considered the pair of nonlinear differential equations


In the process of developing that presentation, a number of interesting features of this system were identified but not applied. The purpose of this presentation is to document these features for future possible usefulness. Some parts of the previous presentation are repeated to give context.

Multiplying each equation by the function on its left-hand side, it is simple to see that


Using this equivalence, it is straightforward to show that

d2 dx2 (F2 -G2) =2( F2 -G2)

An exact constant for this system is found by adding a pair of equivalences and integrating both sides:

2FF =2FFG GG =F2G 2FF +GG =2FFG +F2G F2 +12 G2 =F2G +12c 2F2 +G2 -2F2G =c

The third term on the left-hand side can be written two different ways:

2F2G ={ 2FF =d2 dx2 F2 -2F2 2GG =d2 dx2 G2 -2G2

With these three results, one can write the following compact equivalences

F2 =12 d2 dx2 G2 -32 G2 +c2 G2 =d2 dx2 F2 -4F2 +c d2 dx2 F2 =2d2 dx2 G2 -5G2 +c d2 dx2 G2 =3d2 dx2 F2 -10F2 +2c

where each quantity is given in terms of two corresponding quantities of the other function.

It is a simple matter to write a provocative fourth-order differential equation for the function F:

d2 dx2 FF =G =F2 1F d2 dx2 FF =F

The corresponding equation for the function G contains square roots of its second derivative, and it thus not as provocative.

Defining the sum and difference of the two functions with indicative symbols

P=F+G M=F-G F=12 (P+M) G=12 (P-M)

the differential system becomes


These equations are reminiscent of those for trigonometric functions with variable frequency.

Multiplying each left-hand side by the other function and adding one has

MP +PM =0 PP +MM =0

Using this expression, it is straightforward to show that

d2 dx2 PM =2P M

which is immediately consistent with an equivalence above.

Including the definition of F, the rewritten system becomes

P =P2 +PM2 M =M2 +PM2 P -12P2 =12PM M +12M2 =12PM P +M =12 (P2 -M2)

The rewritten differential system shows a distinct emphasis on the function F. Noting that

d2 dx2 (F±G) =F ±F2

one can immediately write the equations

F +F2 -FP =0 F -F2 +FM =0

which are reminiscent of Riccati equations. Given that


one can write a variety of equations relating the two sum and difference functions:

PP -MM =2F =P+M


2PP =P+M =2M M

P -M =2F2 =2(P P)2 =2(M M)2 P -M =2F2 =(P P)2 +(M M)2 =2P P MM

P =M +2(M M)2 M =P -2(P P)2

P -(P P)2 =M +(M M)2

The sum and difference functions have fourth-order differential equations with clear symmetry. Using an equivalence above, first write

P=2 MM -M M=2PP -P

then insert each quantity into the other and simplify. This gives

d2 dx2 (PP -P) +(PP )2 =0 d2 dx2 (MM +M) +(MM )2 =0

which differ in one sign. Part of the motivation for introducing these functions is to attempt to use this symmetry for an analytic solution.

One odd thing about these two equations is the two single functions inside the parentheses, since the system appears to favor second derivatives of a function dived by itself. The function F is already given above as two such ratios. One then has

G=FF =(P/P ) P/P =(M/M ) M/M

Multiplying the two equations of the system as initially written leads to

FF GG =F2 =d2 dx2 FF GG =(F/F ) F/F

Surely such nested behavior must imply something about the solution. It would be most useful if one could write equations in each of these ratios only, but that does not appear possible.

One way to approach such ratios is by writing exponentiated forms of each function:

F=f0 exp0x dx f(x) FF =f +f2

This can lead to equations that look a somewhat simpler, such as

PP +MM =0 p+p2 +m+m2 =0 d(p+m) p2 +m2 =dx

but it is not clear if this gets any closer to a full solution.

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